Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Capital playing chicken

Playing chicken aka chicken rearing culture (native) as well as intensive chicken rearing chicken boiler (race) require sufficient capital to what is produced can be maximized. Here is the

financing of enlargement cultured chicken that I have written off. literature may be useful as you start a business in chicken rearing.

A. DOC cost per-head @ Rp. 3700, -
2. Feed cost per-head to 70 days @ USD. 4700, - as much as 2 kg per head.
3. Operational (power + water + vaccine + husks) 10% of the feed @ Rp. 470, -

For the enlargement of 1000 tails
A. 1000 DOC Procurement ekor@Rp.3.700, - = Rp. 3.7 million, -
2. 1000 feed costs head x 2 kg @ Rp. 4700, - = Rp. 9.4 million, -
3. Operating 10% x Rp. 9.4 million, - = Rp. 940 000, -
Total cost of Rp. 14.51 million, -

With a mortality of 2% of sales, last month the price of chicken is Rp. 20,000, kg.
Tail sales of 980 x 0.85 kg @ Rp. 20,000, - = Rp. 16.66 million, -

Profit of Rp. 16.66 million - Rp. 14.51 million = Rp. 2.15 million, -

Thus the results of analysis of cultured chicken rearing is my telatenin. Profit is sales in the basket above the ngambil directly to my place. Not to mention diwarung sold at a price per head of at least Rp. 25,000 / tail. not so bad. Hopefully this can become a passion for those of you who want to try the cultivation of chicken rearing. Not have to worry about starting from a little later if you had a less happy please add more.

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